Caring For All Your Digestive NeedsHeptalogy NeedsGastroenterology Needs
This practice provides highly personalised professional consultations in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Years of Experience
A leading Gastroenterologist and respected member of the medical community.
Dr Tan offers diagnostic and therapeutic services to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions of the oesophagus, stomach, intestines, bowels, liver, pancreas and biliary system.
Dr Tan emphasises efficiency in the arrangement of tests and treatments tailored to each patient’s special needs, provides excellent patient-doctor communications and aims to make every healthcare encounter a very pleasant experience for our patients.
Dr Tan is also well known for his contributions to the social and non-profit sector in Singapore and overseas. He has wide hands-on experience in international community development work and humanitarian disaster relief projects, and sits on numerous boards of charities and Institutions of Public Character.
About The Practice

A personalized and internationally oriented private practice
Dr Tan's private practice was established in 1999. He has considerable experience in helping local and international patients from every continent except Antarctica (although some of our patients have been there!) Dr Tan believes in forging warm and close patient-doctor relationships that allow him to address patients' medical issues on a whole-of-person basis, understanding the relevance of all of life's experiences to wellness and disease.

Experience and expertise with international qualifications
MBBS (S'pore), MMed (Int Med), MRCP (Ireland), MRCP (UK), FRCP (Edinburgh), FRCP (London), FAMS (Gastroenterology)
Dr CC Tan is a medical practitioner of more than 40 years' standing and a Ministry of Health and Singapore Medical Council accredited specialist Gastroenterologist for more than 30 years, with international training and experience.

Care without compromise
Dr Tan does not participate in "Insurance Doctor Panels" because he believes that the conditions imposed on doctors and patients compromise patients' best interests and the quality of care. Patients under MediShield Integrated Shield Plans with riders specifying panel doctors, can still be cared for by Dr Tan through "pre-authorization" with the insurer. Ask your insurance agent for clarification and do not be herded into insurance panels based on incomplete or inaccurate advice, giving up your right to choose your best doctor.
Our Gastroenterological Services
Diagnosis of common digestive issues
- Heartburn and dyspepsia
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Abdominal bloating and pain
- Constipation & diarrhoea
- Change in bowel habits
- Blood in the stools
- Jaundice
- Abnormal test results such as anaemia, occult blood in the stools or elevated cancer markers
- Family history of digestive cancers
- Screening for digestive cancers
Digestive Endoscopy services
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Gastroscopy
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Colonoscopy
- Capsule Endoscopy
- Small Bowel Enteroscopy
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatograpny (ERCP)
- Percutaneous Gastrostomy feeding tube
Management of common Digestive Conditions
- Colon cancer & polyp screening and diagnosis
- Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
- Eosinophilic Oesophagitis
- Gastritis and duodenitis
- Oesophageal and stomach cancer screening and diagnosis
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease
- Haemorrhoids
- Gallstone disease
- Virus Hepatitis A, B & C
- Alcoholic, autoimmune & metabolic hepatitis
- Pancreatic diseases
The practice's logo illustrates the philosophy of our practice
Modern approach
The logo of Gastroenterology & Medicine International has a silver background reflecting a modern approach, as well as the use of up to date technology to solve clinical problems.
Humanity of the practice
The figure is a stylised Chinese word “wei” which broadly means the digestive system. The figure also looks like a stylised human being which reflects the humanity of the practice.
Good clinical outcomes
The cross inside the circle is the medical cross. At the same time, cross-hairs has the imagery of aiming for good clinical outcomes for patients. The green of the figure represents life, renewal, nature, balance, harmony and, safety.

Out of the box
The horizontal lines jut out irregularly indicating that we do not confine ourselves to thinking within boundaries, but seek to find solutions “out of the box”, where necessary, to solve problems and benefit patients.
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
The upper and lower parts of the figure also look like the end view and side view, respectively, of a gastrointestinal endoscope, which is the most basic instrument of gastroenterological practice.
International and Multi Cultural
The name of the practice reflects an international mind set, both in terms of applying best practices learned from all over the world, as well as being able to communicate and relate well with our international and multi-cultural patients.
Educational Articles and Videos
What is Hepatitis?
The term “hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver. It does not tell us the cause of this inflammation. There are many causes of hepatitis.
Rectal Bleeding
What is rectal bleeding? Blood lost from any part of the digestive tract, from oesophagus to the rectum (final part of the large intestine or colon) will eventually...
I have gastric pain. What could it be?
Upper abdominal discomfort is sometimes referred to by patients as “gastric pain”. The medical term is dyspepsia, which means pain or discomfort centred in the upper abdomen. There...
Early Detection Of Gastrointestinal Cancers
More patients are asking for screening for cancers as public knowledge about cancers increases. For instance, media reports about the growing rate of colorectal cancer make the public...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a ‘functional’ gastrointestinal disorder. This means that the cause of it is not a specific and identifiable disease entity, but a plausible consequence...